Lean Inception – an essential tool for validating the potential of an idea

What is and how does Lean Inception methodology work Entrepreneurs and managers know very well that validating the potential of an idea before investing time and money makes all the difference. Creating a product can pose many challenges, starting with offering possibilities at the beginning of its design. Lean Inception origin The Brazilian Paulo Caroli […]

Why is Design Thinking the right approach for business innovation?

Learn more about this approach that can help achieve better results, with maximum efficiency and minimum errors in generating and organizing ideas for solutions to problems faced by the company. Innovating and finding creative solutions to common problems can be challenging for any corporation. There are many questions, and a common way of using this […]

The Culture of Innovation

A lot is heard about the need to innovate. Every successful company seeks to innovate their strategic plans, encouraging new ideas to generate value. But, do you really know how to apply innovation in your company? Enjoy this reading and learn more about the theme. Innovation According to Nick Baldwin “Innovation is exploring new ideas […]

The role of co-creation in digital transformation

The role of co-creation in digital transformation is essential for external factors to have a direct impact on understanding the needs of increasingly demanding consumers. The desires of such consumers today are increasingly specific and personalized and understanding this demand and using technology in favor of improving user experience is part of a process we […]

Agile Strategic Technology Planning

The Agile Strategic Technology Planning enables the survey of the technological characteristics of a company and the identification of essential improvement points allied to the business interests in a structured way, prioritizing more agile deliveries through intelligent and efficient methods, generating positive impacts in its completion, focused on the success and growth of the company. […]

When should you expect the break-even of your digital product? (Part 3/3)

If you are jumping directly into Part 3 of this series, we encourage you to check Part 1 and Part 2 and catch up on Disrupting and Sustaining innovation concepts. Welcome back. Today we will explain why being aware of innovation choices matters for your MVP development plan—finally, relating all the previous points. Remember we mentioned that four months […]

When should you expect the break-even of your digital product? (Part 2/3)

In Part 1 of this series, we covered what Disrupting Innovation is and how its high unpredictability makes reaching market-fit a more significant challenge. Today we’ll look at another innovation type. Sustaining Innovation, in opposite to disruptive, it’s when new products or services are innovating the other components of a business model: It happens, for instance, when […]

When should you expect the break-even of your digital product? (Part 1/3)

If you ever tried to secure investments to develop a digital product (for a startup or a corporation), you were probably asked, ‘When can we expect break-even?‘. If that happened to you, congratulations, you gave the first step of exposing your vision to stakeholders. In theory, the goals are simple: generate revenue or cut costs. I never […]

How much does developing an MVP cost?

Working with digital products is pleasurably intensive, especially in a software agency that builds custom-made solutions. The amount of people I get to meet with innovative ideas and futuristic visions is unprecedented. It’s beautiful to see entrepreneurs willing to solve relevant problems locally or globally, in startups or large corporations; the ideas inspire me to […]